Finca leonessa project

After two years of working with producers we are finally setting up to begin our most desired projoect.

Finca leonessa borns as an idea to fully exploit the goods of the Bolivian atmosphere and grounds, the idea is to create an experimental farm with the most exotic varieties and newest grow procedures in alignment with our values of respect of the environment where the farm finds it self, our goal is to take our footprint to a whole new level, where everything is recycled and nothing is wasted, serving also as an experimental center for new post harvest procedures, hosting professionals, agronomist, and students from all over the world who are willing to develop a project or thesis that regards coffee production, post harvest procedures, social or environmental impact prjoects or agronomy experiments.

By now it is still an idea but we now have the land where it should be plased, on the fertile grounds of San Jose in Cochabamba at 1800 masl. 10 ha. will be dedicated to this experimental ground constantly seeking for procedures to maximize the quality of our beans while making our footprint less harmful for the environment.

We are now looking for possible partners and institutional cooperations to make this wonderful project a reality. Another 15 ha. will serve as to apply the outcomes of the experiments to a smaller variety of coffees.