International certificated seals

  • Location: Cochabamba & La Paz

  • Timeline: 2022 on going

  • Reach: to be defined

  • Impact: Social & environmental



One of the most peculiar scenarios in coffee production in Bolivia are the methods being applied on the fields, specially among smallholder producers.

The lack of education and accessibility to resources leave them growing their coffee traditionally, without any use of agrochemicals, of course this can be double edged, on one side we have clean organic coffee, witch in some cases results on high yield a very clean cup, but also this exposes the plants to a number of diseases when not treated correctly, this is the case of a lot of producers, the lack of knowledge and having to deal with other crops, leave their coffee plants well unattended.


The international certificated seals program, aims to transfer them knowledge in coffee practices that can help them keep their crops healthy while not having to incur to the use of agrochemicals, and thus encourage them to keep growing organically.

To make this viable we aim to apply for the EU and NOP organic seals and eventually where it allows proceed to apply for bird friendly, rainforest and other seals that allow producers to add value to their crops and thus make it more profitable for them in order to create a motivational chain for producers to grow more coffee.

We strongly believe this is the way to help Bolivian coffee to take a significant place in the world, the potential is there, the conditions are there.

Maintaining the actual standard trying to low prices is a much more difficult task than adding value through knowledge, environmental and social policies aiming for better quality and better yields.